Rachel Carson
Dr. Rosalie Bertell
Dr. Carl Sagan
Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky
The 'seventh generation'
“For mankind as a whole, a possession infinitely more valuable than individual life is our genetic heritage, our link with past and future. Shaped through long aeons of evolution, our genes not only make us what we are, but hold in their minute beings the future – be it one of promise or threat. Yet genetic deterioration through man-made agents is the menace of our time, ‘the last and greatest danger to our civilization'.”
Rachel Carson
The nuclear monster is rearing its head once again in the land down under. New PM Malcolm 'Mal-function' Turnbull and his recently selected 'chief scientist' Alan Finkel seem determined to increase Australia’s ‘nuclear presence’ beyond the mere mining of uranium to include nuclear waste repositories (on indigenous land, where else?), uranium enrichment facilities, and even, yes, nuclear reactors for electricity. And not just good old plain electricity, this would be SPECIAL because, according to Mal and the Fink…get this…nuclear power is ’a zero emissions energy’.
Remember this: ‘a ZERO EMISSIONS ENERGY’. Repeat it a few times to yourself, because you’re going to be hearing this ad nauseum in coming weeks and months. It’s the latest ‘engineering of consent’ catch-phrase designed to fool the scientifically ignorant public that all-things-nuclear come from ‘the peaceful atom’ and are in fact, in the words of John Howard, ‘safe and clean.’
Listen to this show, and read the accompanying blog post that is in progress, to understand why NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH.
MAKE NO MISTAKE: all things nuclear represent THE GREATEST THREAT to the health and well-being of all life on Mother Earth.
The global nuclear scenario is almost too huge and scary to get a handle on, but I’ve been trying to do so ever since an extraordinarily powerful synchronicity in 1986 inspired me to educate myself as fully as possible and to share this information with as many people as possible.
In the wake of Fukushima in 2011, I went to the next level with my all-things-nuclear education and activism, and now, after a period of not having the nuclear scenario in the centre of my radar, it’s BACK, with all the ‘nucular’ double-speak down under.
‘Nucular’ is how George W. Bush pronounced it. It’s actually pronounced ‘new-klee-ur.’ Ironically and humorously, neither Turnbull nor Finkel can pronounce it either. They are both saying ‘newkilur’. It speaks highly of Australia that there’s not even anyone close to them who can correct them on this!
Until I get my new blog post written, check out these two comprehensive articles I have written on the ‘big picture’ of the global nuclear scenario.
‘THROUGH A NARROW WINDOW’ chap. 13, Silent Spring, Rachel Carson