"A nation possessing superior technology in environmental manipulation could damage an adversary without revealing its intent…Such a ‘secret war’ need never be declared or even known by the affected populations. It could go on for years with only the security forces involved being aware of it.” Gordon J.F. MacDonald, 1966“The last decade of the twentieth century has witnessed a tectonic shift in world affairs.” Zbigniew Brzezinski, 1997
“What we do to the Earth, we do to ourselves.” Chief Seattle“If we dig precious things from the land, we will invite disaster.” Hopi prophecy
SYNOPSIS: “Engineering” is the back-bone of “civilization”, itself a recent innovation in the time-line of homo sapiens. “Civilized” people are themselves the product of engineering. “Progress” is defined as the unlimited expansion of “civilization” and therefore the results of engineering. The “social engineers” who created “money” have increasingly guided and controlled scientific research and technological development, and manipulate the dynamics of the mega-machine for “elite” agendas. In the early 21st century, due to unhindered concentration of political and economic power unfettered by over-sight and accountability, technological methods now exist which would be considered only as ‘science-fiction’ by the scientifically illiterate masses. Weaponization and exploitation of the natural world is rampant; the entire human population is the de facto “enemy.” Few people notice the narrowing of our perceptual bandwidth, the “engineering of consent” contributing to our contemporary psychic malaise, and the “orchestration of reality” that shapes our world-view. Fewer still can distinguish the blurring boundaries between “reality” and “unreality”, between “natural” and “man-made” disasters in the koyaanisqatsi-matrix of today. Are we “engineering” own demise through a fusion of technologically-empowered control regimes with our own ‘unconscious jihad against nature’ driven by capitalism as a de facto religion?” Do industrial civilizations contain the seeds of their own destruction? Our onward-march has become a free-fall off of the precipice of sanity here on the only planet with life as we know it.
One of the biggest differences between the mind-set of modernized humans and traditional indigenous people is that modern folk tend to think of themselves and their civilization as being somehow “above”, more “advanced” than, or having conquered the natural world, whereas indigenous people have a little more humility and a sense of the sacredness of the Earth, a respect for that which they do not profess to understand, much less control. The modern scientific paradigm fragments and reduces nature to “forces” and “resources” to be subdued, harnessed and exploited; indigenous cosmologies, viewed as “backward” by “civilized” man, are holistic yet pragmatic, striving not for control or material wealth but for the ability to survive, to live in harmony with the Earth, with “all our relations”, “mitakuye oyasin.” “Civilized” humanity has lost track of the fact that highly developed social systems, even “culture”, can thrive in the absence of manipulation of the material world.
Contrary to what many people might think, the words “civilized” and “civilization” have little to do with our usual associations, for example, that “civilized” people don’t kill each other, that they are honest, trustworthy, have a sense of community and a philosophical perspective, love the arts, like to ride horses and tend their gardens. Gandhi was once asked what he thought of western civilization. His reply: “I think it would be a very good idea.”
Gandhi was only half-joking; but he was missing the etymological irony. These words derive from “civitas”, a Latin word meaning “city.” “Civilization” doesn’t necessarily reflect any certain level of cultural, intellectual or spiritual attainment; on the contrary. It does imply high levels of organization and government. Literally, all it means is that the people live in cities. Since one out of two people on this planet today live in cities, this means that 50% of humanity is in fact “civilized.”
What we call “civilization” seems to have begun around 5000 years ago, with only a million or two years of “uncivilized” struggle preceding. How we made it without electricity all that time is one of the most insoluble mysteries confronting researchers today.
The picture is a bit muddy, as a nebulous memory called “history” stands between us, but mainstream researchers in general agree that the earliest civilizations were those of, for example, the Sumerians and Egyptians. According to researchers like Graham Hancock, archaeological evidence abounds which suggests the existence of even earlier “lost civilizations”; but what makes any of them accessible to us today is the fact that physical remnants exist and can be studied.
These physical remnants may exist as writings, art, tools or other artefacts; but most of what remains of earlier civilizations is their buildings…temples, fortresses, roads, aqueducts, canals, cities…the products of the most advanced construction and engineering capabilities available to them.
In addition to a deep interest in astronomy bordering at times on obsession, and the necessity of war (against nature, against “barbarians”, against other “civilizations”), ancient civilizations engaged in massive amounts of construction and engineering at various levels; if they hadn’t built a lot of stuff that remains to this day, they would never be thought of now as “civilizations.” Even if they attained high levels of astronomical knowledge, artistic expression, poetry, dancing, harmonious social relations, ecological stability, and cosmic insight, yet had no massive infra-structures to bequeath to posterity, they would still to this day be classified as “primitive” peoples, just like the Hopi native Americans or the Australian aborigines. Our whole idea of what “civilization” means is bound up in our unquestioned values of materialism and “progress.” If an ancient people left no indelible “foot-print” then they were “backward”; worse, indigenous people in north America and Australia were declared by invading Europeans to be “sub-human” because they weren’t “farming” or living in cities; they weren’t “civilized” so they were done away with, their lands appropriated and colonized, put “to use.” “Civilization” is often its own justification for the destruction of all it deems “uncivilized.” Our most fundamental notions of “civilization” and “progress” are intimately entwined with our ability to engineer the natural world. Engineering is what has made “civilization” possible, and is responsible for what mankind thinks of as its greatest “achievements.”
Engineering today has moved far beyond the merely Roman realms. The sky-scrapers of Manhatten and countless other large metropolitan areas, the Panama canal, the VAB at Cape Canaveral, the Channel tunnel connecting France and England, the Hoover dam, Golden Gate bridge, the Denver airport, the condos of Dubai, and the American interstate highway network would all qualify as feats of engineering as traditionally defined, among what might be hundreds of thousands or even millions of similar projects. None of these are as sophisticated, however, as the ever-anomalous Great Pyramid, but any would no doubt have “wowed” the people of ancient civilizations.
Industrial civilization can be thought of as the sum of its technologies and engineering, central to which is the social organization (slavery/employment) which provides both the gestalt and man-power. Engineering coupled with the Baconian scientific method functions as an ever-expanding feed-back loop generating a parade of new devices, technologies, strategies and methodologies for “making so” what people want done, especially those with lots of influence and “money.” And with each technological “advance”, “civilization” has become progressively more out of harmony with the natural world.
Calendars and clocks enabled the engineering of time, the compass the engineering of navigation, printing the engineering of information, photography the engineering of the image. Newtonian mechanics and “fossil fuels” spawned the “industrial revolution” with engines for transportation, manufacturing and warfare.
The 20th century witnessed widespread electrification; the recording of sound then the “moving picture” added a “time-binding” dimension to engineering, and the “space-binding” broadcast media of radio gave way to television. In the wake of World War 2, organic chemistry, atomic energy, and molecular biology were developed, unleashing the Pandoric “three Fates” of hydro-carbon derivatives, ionising radiation and DNA manipulation. With the global post-war expansion of the military-industrial complex driven by the international banking cartel came the “weltanschauungskrieg”, the “space race” and acronymous official organizations like the UN, WHO, IMF and CFR, instruments for the engineering of public perception, low-orbital space and global socio-political systems. Television helped to engineer consent for the “Cold War” replacement of communism as “public enemy number one” and filled the troughs for the “American dreamer”, simultaneously entrancing the people with the carrot of unlimited “consumerism”, force-fed by advertising and “entertainment”, and stoking the furnaces of industry.
The breadth, depth, ubiquity and pervasiveness of the global effects of engineering are difficult to take in. Especially since World War 2 and the creation of a permanent arms industry in America, the leading edge of engineering and the development of new technologies has been for military applications, and what the public knows about is only the tip of a vast iceberg, shrouded in “black budgets” and “national security.” The vast majority of this unbelievably monstrous juggernaut, with its own “economy”, immunity to environmental regulations, and impunity to over-sight, is totally invisible to the average person, in part because of the influence of the engineering of our beliefs and perceptions.
The “civilized” people of today are largely and unknowingly distracted, deceived, debilitated, and dumbed-down, the “products” of invisible engineering. Believing themselves to be “free”, they are unwitting slaves to an unquestioned regime of capitalism grounded in war on nature, managed and maintained by an increasingly consolidated, globalized, and visible techno-fascist “world government.”
In the wake of the “new Pearl Harbour” we call 9/11, “imperial mobilization” has been unleashed accompanied by unprecedented expansion of the military-industrial complex which, in turn, fosters astronomical levels of scientific research and the development of new technologies for specific and previously undreamed-of purposes. These purposes represent a fusion of the unified goals of people and organizations, overt and covert ideological, political, industrial, financial, and perhaps occult, whose over-riding agenda is “full spectrum dominance” of the Earth, the totality of her “resources”, including the human population; a macabre “renaissance” of archaic megalomania.
Many people persist in the illusion that all things “military” operate under the over-sight and command of “democratically elected” leaders; the unfortunate reality, however, is that now more than ever, all things “military”, as well as these “leaders” and “democratic representatives of the people” are controlled from the top down by the international banking cartel operating through a stupendously complex yet highly integrated pyramidal infrastructure of visible and invisible levels of organization.
Many people, as well, persist in the illusion that “evil enemies of the state” exist “out there”, in “foreign countries” and may lurk as “terrorist cells” plotting within in the bowels of the “homeland”; the unfortunate reality, however, is not only that “enemies” are almost entirely a routinely fabricated species of media artefact, whose existence, whose “terrorism” serves to justify the on-going depradations of all things military, masquerading, for example, as “humanitarian intervention”, but more significantly, that the real “enemy” is and always has been not only “the people” themselves, but the Earth and life as-we-know-her.
In the same way that the original “Pearl Harbour” justified in the public mind America’s entry into World War 2, the “new Pearl Harbour”, 9/11, justified in the public mind America’s entry into the “war on terror.” In both cases, the modus operandi and the major players are the same; neither were what they appeared to be and both, masquerading as “defense”, served to take the “elite agenda” of the international banking cartel, always the invisible puppeteers, to the next level. Both have had profound global implications due to America’s centrality as a world power; these are not incidental, but the result of long-term strategic design. The profundity of these implications is deepened by the fact that the “war on terror” is being conducted with technologies sixty-plus years beyond those of World War 2.
A central element in the elite “master plan” has always been the creation of an all-powerful and unchallengeable military mega-machine, whose presence would extend into every nook and cranny of the planet and whose irresistible force could be wielded anywhere, anytime, under any conditions, by the mere issuance of an order or maybe even the flip of a switch, the pressing of a button, or a command entered into a computer.
Over fifty years ago, in 1961 President Dwight Eisenhour warned that
“… We have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations.
“This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to recognize its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.
“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or our democratic processes.”
Menacingly, the incubus of “unwarranted influence” usurped the throne only two years after Eisenhour’s statement, with the assassination of JFK, considered by many to be America’s last “real” president; successor LBJ (the first “oil & war” president) immediately plunged America head-long into the Viet Nam quagmire. Apparently Ike’s words fell on deaf ears because today we are witnessing the fruition of sixty-plus years of the unobstructed unfolding of a “scientific dictatorship” operating the remote-control of its robust Franken-child, an indomitable global military mega-machine.
Historian Lewis Mumford has already provided a brilliant and comprehensive survey of the evolution of this process, in his book The Pentagon of Power: The Myth of the Machine. For the purposes of this article, I will focus on a brief introduction to the new generation of “science fiction” weapons and technologies, believed by many people only to exist in comic books or Hollyweird productions. As well, what is happening in the myriad clandestine “top secret” think tanks and research labs now is probably years or decades beyond what is currently known even by leading edge researchers. As far as the public is concerned, however, the nature of “old-school” weapons like ionising radiation and genetic engineering is no less comprehensible than “death rays” or “tectonic warfare.”
Several trends have converged to help the “sci-fi vision” to become reality. The most salient are the “twin towers” of central banking and computers. The abilities to produce and control practically infinite amounts of “money” out of thin air (deployed in an “operating environment” of capitalism not only as a de facto religion, but as THE de facto religion, with more fundamentalist devotees than all other “official” religions combined), and to store and manipulate practically infinite amounts of data and information are necessary, interdependent, and indispensable tools for the engines of “full spectrum dominance.” Mumford’s seminal survey is complemented by two more recent books, William Engdahl’s recent Gods of Money, and Jerry Mander’s In the Absence of the Sacred: The Failure of Technology and the Survival of the Indian Nation.
Other convergent trends include institutionalised psychological warfare, conducted most comprehensively through television, involving deception and manipulation of a fiction-obsessed and scientifically illiterate public, preying in particular on the inability of people to distrust their “leaders” and “government”, regardless of the blighted fruits they bear; the “compartmentalization” of researchers and projects in ways that conceal their true purpose, even to those involved; and a sort of “viral engineering”, a gradual replacement of “traditional” roles, institutions, or organizations with new ones that look the same on the surface, but which are actually “assets” of the elite agenda, for example, the effort by private foundations to control education and “re-write history” the way they wanted it to be; what Herbert Schiller called “the corporate take-over of public expression” using the CIA, for example, to implement operations like Project Mockingbird, whose goal was to subvert and control all major mass-media; and their neatest trick so far, the instalment of a charismatic “leader”, a “president of colour” who is 100% CIA with an administration that is 100% Wall Street. “Somewhere…over the rainbow…”
What I call the “Nazi blueprint” can be seen as an earlier version of what is happening with America and the world today; the backing and/or “take-over” of the world’s most powerful industrial nations to serve their hidden agendas is the core of the invisible “secret government’s” geo-political strategy. Once they control the “biggest stick” of coercion, the sky is the limit as far as they are concerned. They can create enough money to pay anyone however much they want; and if they won’t play that game, the “elite” can forcibly coerce their cooperation, destroy their genome, and/or obliterate their country with a “natural disaster”. Interestingly, if we listen to military proponents, the latest weapons systems of today have evolved some peculiar characteristics along with their enhanced effectiveness: in the post-Orwellian world, genocide can now be accomplished using environmentally-friendly “non-lethal” weapons.
Few if any truly understand the inner workings of the minds of the “global elite.” We know they have a propensity for jargon, obsessions with secrecy, numerology, stone monuments and incest, as well as an insatiable penchant for acronyms. Ultimately, they are probably doing the work of the beings of Trafalmadore, an imaginary planet in Kurt Vonnegut’s novel The Sirens of Titan. In this book, it turns out that the entire history of human civilization had been secretly manipulated by the leaders of this distant planet to achieve a singular and specific goal: the delivery of a small spare-part for a Trafalmadorian space-ship that was stranded on Saturn’s largest moon Titan.
For now, however, let us assume that the “global elite” at least believe for the time being that they are working toward less lofty, but more pragmatic goals appropriate for anyone wishing to “rule the world.” What is the best way to go about this? First, a concise “mission statement” and coherent ideology must be formulated.
Global “full spectrum dominance” as the foundation of hegemony requires the most powerful, technologically advanced and omni-present/deployable military apparatus possible; the envelopes of possibility must constantly be pushed as well as posted. As the “battlefield” concept has expanded from theatre warfare to tactical and strategic, as new technologies allowed, then into the more scientifically esoteric dimensions, ways and means have been developed to weaponize anything and everything, from tooth-paste and toasters, vaccines and viruses, plants and animals, food and water supplies, video games and the news, banking, the president, the Nobel “Peace” Prize, the brain, weather, “natural disasters” and the Earth herself. And as always, good old “God” continues to “act”’ on behalf of globalist elite interests.
Traditionally, “weapons” were forms of technology designed to injure or kill people and/or destroy infrastructure or terrain. Since the dawn of “civilization” we’ve seen weapons of all kinds, from rocks and clubs to knives, spears, sling-shots, bows-and-arrows, some with poison, and projectiles; then came gun-powder: fire-arms, cannons and artillery of all kinds; the methods of delivery improved with planes and ships, then submarines and rockets. Witch doctors, spies and martial arts experts have their own special methods; “give me that old time” poison and disease have been favourites as well, like contaminating wells or giving people blankets infected with smallpox, or forced diets of sugar, flour and tea.
The leading edge of technological innovation has usually been in the domain of weapons. Leonardo da Vinci probably wouldn’t have gone so far were it not for his innovative military designs. The 20th century saw a vast transformation in how people killed each other, progressing from mere guns, bombs, microbes and poison gas used by and on massive agglomerations of personnel, augmented by air and sea; the century closed with nuclear missiles, satellite-based lasers, “brain-washing”, ethnically-specific bio-weapons like A.I.D.S., bullets and artillery shells containing high-level radioactive waste, and Y2K. The 20th century also buckled under new innovations in what could only be described as “invisible warfare” involving the manipulation of education, government, business, finance and international relations, conducted by the “intelligence” community and its “fifth column” of mass-media. These are in fact the original “non-lethal weapons.” They are techniques as opposed to technologies.
Today, in the early 21st century, mere “false flag” operations, of which the Reichstag fire and 9/11 are notorious and parallel examples, along with the synthetic “made-for-tv terrorism” fabricated by PR firms, have become “old-school” with the advent of exciting new experimental scenarios like environmental warfare disguised as an industrial accident, for example, the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. The possibility exists that many more “industrial accidents” in recent decades may not have been accidental. Not only does an emerging paradigm known as “disaster capitalism” guarantee massive profits for organizations in the right position and with the necessary “knowledge”, especially “fore-knowledge”, of what is really going on; more importantly, new technologies enable “secret” warfare to be waged, hidden within the “irregularities of nature.”
These organizations…the biggest “defense” contractors and energy corporations; factions within the intelligence community; “globalization” entities like the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and Bilderberg Group; and at the top, the private foundations and international banking cartel…work closely together towards their common goal: the ushering in of a “new world order.” Ruled by them, of course. The expression “new world order” is sometimes attributed to Hitler, but he probably got it from the British oligarchs who backed him, and specifically, the book by H.G. Wells.
The command structures of the budding “new world order” have in fact made great progress towards a centrally- and remotely-controlled planetary engineering apparatus. At their finger-tips are the “control surfaces” for the U.S. military, covert “black ops” organizations like the CIA, the international banking system, large-scale energy and agricultural systems, and the global mass-media; concentration and consolidation processes are on-going.
In recent decades the “revolution in military affairs” has given birth to a new paradigm of “exotic” and “non-lethal” weapons (NLW). Technological advances have created new forms of weapons that can wipe out and/or debilitate entire populations in various ways without damaging the physical infrastructure. Broadly defined, institutionalised “non-lethal” weapons systems would today include GE/GMO foods, pharmaceutical drugs, chemical toxins (pesticides, water fluoridation, food additives), radiological weapons (DU), and “personal” electronic devices like TV and mobile phones. These have been wielded as “weapons systems” all along, but are considered to be “consumer products” by most; technological advancement renders them more dangerous as time goes on. These systems may not “kill” people outright, but create chronic disease syndromes which are in the long run lethal, while affording vast opportunities for capitalization by the medical establishment.
The most “science-fiction” or esoteric of all the NLW’s are those operating in the domain of electromagnetic radiation, or EMR. Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, Captain Kirk and a host of space travellers, warriors and aliens have all had “ray guns” of various kinds. While we’re unlikely to see hand-held models, due to the energy requirements of such devices, larger ones do in fact exist. Masers and lasers have existed for decades, and in recent years and decades, what is known as “Tesla technologies” have become the in-thing in military circles.
A shift has occurred as the Pentagon and all things military have progressively reconfigured “public consciousness” to accept their agendas, and refined their image to become “kinder and gentler”, more “environmental”, even “green”; in addition to “blowing things up” and wreaking spectacular “war as pageant” destruction, the upper echelons are increasingly engaging in sneaky and invisible “peaceful war” activities like destroying the genome of a population with radiation, putting a synthetic virus into their vaccines, adding toxic industrial waste to public drinking water, or zapping people with energy pulses coming from tv’s, mobile phones and “ionospheric research instruments.”
In recent years and decades they’ve also become very interested in trying to masquerade as Mother Nature herself. In addition to absolute control of an all-powerful military apparatus, the would-be “scientific dictatorship” must also successfully cloak itself and its enterprises in the forms of, for example, benign “leaders” and institutions sanctioning activities like “environmental engineering” (to ward off “climate change”); industrial “accidents”; “natural disasters” and other “acts of God”?
A huge body of information exists concerning the ideologies and technologies of what is euphemistically referred to as “geo-engineering.” Many people continue to persist in the illusion that these technologies exist only in science-fiction movies or on “conspiracy theory” web-sites. On the contrary; highly credible scientific researchers have been telling us for decades about the development of state-of-the-art military technologies like chem-trails and HAARP which pretend to be for “protecting the climate” or “studying the atmosphere”; moreover, if you dig a little and demystify their jargon, the military clearly states its agenda, in their own words and in no uncertain terms.
Traditionally, any large-scale construction project would be “geo-engineering.” The Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal and the cathedrals of Europe are good examples from the days of old, as would be the original structures whose remnants are the ruins of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome; dams, airports and high-way systems are examples of modern “geo-engineering.”
These, however, are out-scaled by the global resource extraction industry which is first-order “geo-engineering”: try to imagine the overall planetary system consisting of all mines (shafts; open-pits, some several kilometres across; strip-mines), oil wells and drilling platforms, mineral and hydro-carbon processing and storage facilities, and transportation infra-structure, including millions of miles of rail-way and the largest ships ever built.
I am reminded of Edward “Dr. Strangelove” Teller’s idea to explode a hydrogen bomb off the Atlantic coast in order to blast out a new harbour, with no consideration of fall-out or contamination; luckily this never happened, but the same influential mentalities moved on to other nefarious projects like “Star Wars”, or SDI (the “Strategic Defense Initiative”, or “weapons in space”, which gave birth to HAARP). The nuclear road, however, did not remain untaken: try to imagine the “geo-engineering” represented by the total global system consisting of what is now approaching 500 civilian nuclear reactors, who knows how many military ones, and their associated facilities.
The REAL “mac daddy” of “geo-engineering”, however, by several orders of magnitude is the global military-industrial complex, of which the extraction and nuclear industries are mere organelles. It’s impossible for the average human mind to contemplate the incalculable amount of everything: lives, human and non-human; natural resources of every kind; a huge per-centage of the total Global Financial Illusion; man-, horse- and brain-power; in every corner of the globe, on land, in the sea and the air…that is increasingly controlled, consumed, subverted, dominated, poisoned, emitted, irradiated and ultimately destroyed by the mic.
In the early 21st century, the global military-industrial complex can no longer be distinguished as a separate entity from global industrial civilization as a technogeneous whole; this, in turn, can be thought of as sort of macro-“powaqatsi”, a Hopi native American word that means “a sorceror, or way of life, that derives its energy from other living beings.” From the perspective of the Earth herself, this technogeneous “growth” on her surface must seem like a cancerous and parasitic planetary tumour.
In the 21st century as well we have crossed the “seas of qatsi” onto the shores of what could be called the “Atlantean syndrome.” Incalculable quantities of petroleum and other hydro-carbon substances have been drained from beneath the Earth’s crust, leaving multitudes of cavernous air-pockets which, at some point, could collapse, causing the continental regions over-head to “sink” beneath the sea. This is precisely the Atlantean scenario as put forth by 19th century British researcher James Churchward. This threshold has been drawing even closer since the advent of atomic weapons with their vast destructive capability. Thousands of nuclear detonations have wrought unimaginable destruction to the Earth and her living systems, not so much from the “explosions” per se but from the astronomical quantities of highly radioactive substances released into the biosphere. The true nuclear legacy has been one more of biological than physical warfare.
The energy of all nuclear weapons combined, however, amounts to little more than a fire-cracker compared to the amounts of thermodynamic and electro-magnetic energy existing in the Earth, stored, flowing and discharging in her litho- and atmospheres and magnetic fields. For aeons, military strategists, “elite” megalomaniacs and mad scientists have dreamed of controlling the “forces of nature” to do their bidding. Ominously, “prophets” of these “phantasms” have appeared in recent decades to provide vision and inspiration; here in the 21st century these “dreams” have come true.
Consider, for example, the concept of “weather modification.” Throughout history (of “civilization”, that is), factions of humanity have wanted to control the weather, primarily for agricultural and military reasons. The techniques may have “progressed”, from rituals, sacrifices and dances, to explosive detonations and cloud-seeding, to the “sci-fi” technologies of today, chem-trails and HAARP; but the song remains the same.
A U.S. Air Force paper from 1996 entitled “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather by 2025” relates that
“Extreme and controversial examples of weather modification—creation of made-to-order weather, large-scale climate modification, creation and/or control (or “steering”) of severe storms, etc.—were researched as part of this study but receive only brief mention here because, in the authors’ judgment, the 12 technical obstacles preventing their application appear insurmountable within 30 years. If this were not the case, such applications would have been included in this report as potential military options, despite their controversial and potentially malevolent nature and their inconsistency with standing UN agreements to which the US is a signatory.”
This pretty much sums up where the Air Force is coming from; and remember this report is from 1996. Engaging in “extreme and controversial examples of weather modification” which are totally illegal with respect to international agreements isn’t a problem; but then, didn’t we already know that? The only problems were technical; with the assistance, however, of the “revolution in military spending” afforded by 9/11 and the “war on terrorism”, these technical impediments were overcome long ago, and with HAARP becoming fully operational in 2006, in conjunction with chem-trail saturation since the late 1990’s, all systems are “go” and sci-fi “geo-terrorism” has been unleashed, of a “potentially malevolent nature”, conducted by the U.S. military on behalf of the international banking cartel. And how many people can tell the difference between a “natural” disaster and a “man-made” disaster?
Then Secretary of Defense William Cohen said in 1997 at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy that
‘Some countries…are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.”
If in fact Cohen were serious…since when was the Secretary of Defense a comedian…may we not logically assume that the U.S. would be leading the world in development and deployment of such technologies? Further, what would a test of an “environmental modification system” look like?
How exactly is “weather modification” accomplished? What are these “science-fiction” technologies like chem-trails and HAARP? What else can they do? I will not go into a great deal of technical detail in this article, but will provide an introduction and refer you to excellent sources of information by highly credible researchers, people with the requisite background and sufficient spinal strength to tell it like it is.
Chem-trails began to appear in skies over north American population centres in the late 1990’s and since then have been seen above almost every city of any size on the planet. Many people think they are “con-trails” which may be created in the wake of jet airplanes, but they are distinctly different; for example, they can be seen under conditions where con-trails could not form; witnesses have observed the signature “criss-cross” patterns being created by planes flying back and forth over the same area; and they do not dissipate quickly like con-trails but persist and drift for long periods of time.
This phenomenon is well known and is comprehensively researched and documented around the world. Consult the references for detailed information, but note that these operations utilize both civilian and military aircraft to disseminate cocktails of assorted aerosolized substances. On the surface, the military acknowledges two types of chem-trail programs, both of which involve suspending massive amounts of particulates in the atmosphere; one for “climate modification” and the other to create conditions favourable for the transmission of RFE (radio frequency energy) from HAARP. The military insists that these programs are environmentally sound, present no danger to human health, and are for “scientific research” in the best interests of humanity.
Highly credible researchers like Will Thomas and Clifford Carnicom have revealed that chem-trails have been found to contain not only ionizable metallic salts (barium and aluminum oxide, toxic in themselves) and water-absorbing polymers, but also biologically active substances as unlikely as animal blood cells, fungi, mold, bacteria, as well as bio-engineered pathogens. Other researchers believe that chem-trails contain weaponized biochemicals including amino acids or “designer drugs” which affect dopamine levels in the brain; the psychological result is a blurring of the distinction between what is real and what is not. Researcher Ken Adachi tells us that
“[Will] Thomas has concluded that these sprayings are genocidal in nature and are intended to reduce or weaken the general population…[and] voiced the idea that there might be a mind control element to the most recent spraying, since many people are reporting mental confusion and depression following recent sprayings. Thomas has reminded radio listeners that the government has had a long history of exposing the public to biological pathogens without their knowledge or consent.”
Chem-trails are on-going today around the world. In addition to poisoning the human population and the biosphere, especially the global ocean, the final destination for many environmental pollutants, they are changing the chemical and energetic composition of the atmosphere to make it more conducive to the radio frequency energies emitted by HAARP…and far less conducive to the maintenance of life as we know her.
HAARP stands for “High Altitude Auroral Research Project.” The name makes it sound like a benign apparatus that grad students in meteorology might crank up now and then. Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s name is an Orwellian euphemism disguising its true nature as the ultimate weapon of invisible warfare. To paraphrase Dr. Nick Begich, medical doctor, independent researcher and global authority on HAARP and related issues, and who actually lives just over the hill from Gakona, AK, referring to HAARP as an instrument of atmospheric research would be like saying that the Manhattan Project was about studying atomic energy. A “true deception”: technically not lying but not really telling the truth.
HAARP was originally a huge array of antennas laid out on the ground in several locations in southern Alaska. They are an integrated system and function as a single transmitting antenna which can send extremely powerful radio-frequency energy in the form of microwaves into the ionosphere, with power levels on the order of billions of watts. HAARP is located where it is because of the proximity of vast quantities of natural gas that are used to power the tens of acres of diesel generators required to generate the electricity it requires, as well as proximity to the magnetic pole. Begich tells us that
“All of this seemingly Star Trek-like technology originated from a Serbian immigrant named Nikola Tesla who came to the United States just before the turn of the century. This man, without question, proved to be the greatest scientific genius of this century. Tesla worked with both Westinghouse and Edison during the infancy of electricity and it was actually Tesla who developed alternating current.
Tesla also experimented with electromagnetic flux and studied the earth’s gravitational field. During his research he discovered that the ionization of the atmosphere would alter when it was charged by radio wave transmissions in the low frequency range of 10 to 80 hertz. Tesla also discovered that he could cause both positive and negative ionization of the atmosphere by manipulating the radio frequency. Further studies indicated that with positive ionization, people and animals became tired and lethargic and with negative ionization the effect was one of feeling active and energetic.”
Contemporary scientists like Dr. Bernard Eastlund, working in conjunction with “defense” contractors like Raytheon, Boeing and military organizations like DARPA and the US Air Force and Navy, have patented and developed thousands of novel “Tesla-technologies” which together comprise HAARP and its associated systems.
The basic ideas are that HAARP and its global array of associated installations on several continents (20 are believed to exist, as well as hundreds of GWEN towers) acting as one coordinated unit, is able to send pulsed waves of energy into the ionosphere, which can then be manipulated to modify the properties of the ionosphere itself, as well as either “bouncing” or reflecting these pulsed energy patterns down onto selected regions of the Earth’s surface through the creation of AIM’s (Aimable Ionospheric Mirrors), and/or to send these pulsed transmissions through the Earth itself. By controlling the various parameters of these energetic pulses, the Earth’s magnetic field can be affected; streams of electricity or water-vapour in the atmosphere can be manipulated. HAARP can transmit and/or disrupt global communications systems, as well as create “nuclear explosions with no radiation.” HAARP can also be used to simulate the sun and to map deposits of minerals deep in the Earth. Inside the Earth, different materials “ring” at different frequencies when “sounded” by HAARP, as do different layers of the ionosphere, although disharmoniously, hence the play on the word “harp.”
Control or manipulation of weather dynamics is accomplished by adding radio frequency energy to the Earth’s magnetic fields and electro-jet, to mimic what the sun does; as well, the jet-stream can be diverted or blocked by “lifting” the ionosphere. Storms, hurricanes or cyclones cannot as yet be created “from scratch” but once they exist in embryonic form, they can be “guided”, “steered” and strengthened for maximum effect; rainfall, for example, can be withheld or delivered copiously.
Directed inside the Earth these pulsed energies enable not only a mapping of geological structures, but also create disruptions of normal seismic or tectonic processes, generating instabilities that can result in earthquakes. Earthquakes may occur incidentally, as an accidental side-effect of “Earth-penetrating tomography”, or the “sounding” of geological resources; or “tectonic warfare” may be intentionally waged, through a “learning curve” of on-going series of “tests” whose results may on the surface appear to be “natural disasters” but in reality were acts of “geo-terrorism” designed simultaneously to fulfill various hidden agendas (coercion of governments, psychological and/or environmental terrorism, wanton destruction, population reduction) and as experiments to see how it all works, how good their aim or timing was, how the public reacted, how much damage was done, and so on. Every “test” is studied intensively by military and “think tank” scientists, and the results used to design the next “test”, the next “attack.”
In this way, whoever controls HAARP possesses what could truly be described as the ultimate “plausibly deniable” weapons system, in that it is capable of secretly and invisibly delivering astronomical amounts of destructive energy into the fundamental processes affecting the Earth’s magnetic field; the Van Allen radiation belts; all levels of the atmosphere, from the ionosphere down through the stratosphere and into the troposphere, and therefore, the weather anywhere on Earth; the lithosphere, geological substrates and tectonic dynamics of any location on Earth. Because of the technological sophistication and centralization of this system, a tiny handful of a few properly-placed individuals all in one control room would be in a position to deliver a broad-spectrum attack of weather, earthquakes, and RF/plasma discharges anywhere on the planet, perhaps on several “fronts” at once. A single enclave of criminally insane megalomaniacs could theoretically wage war against the entire human population and the Earth herself.
As if that weren’t enough, HAARP is also the centre-piece of the emerging “militarization of space” program that the entire U.S. military is developing, which includes what used to be called “Star Wars” or SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative), whose goal is to dominate and control low-orbital space as a war-fighting platform, using not only manned space vehicles but more importantly, a vast network of satellites equipped with lasers, particle-beam and plasma weapons, and many other sci-fi “ray-gun” technologies, all having their massive amounts of power transmitted to them by HAARP. The goal is to be able to shoot down “enemy missiles” from “up there”, and to “zap” anything anywhere on the surface of the Earth with a space-ray guided by satellite imagery. U.S. military documents state clearly that “space” is being exploited as the “new frontier” to supplement or supplant “traditional” ground, sea and air forces:
“U.S. Space Command…dominating the space dimension of military operations to protect U.S. interests and investments. Integrating Space Forces into war-fighting capabilities across the full spectrum of conflict.” (USSC, Vision for 2020, published 1997)
Notice there’s no mention of protecting the people in the Space Command vision. And, as if that weren’t enough for any power-hungry world-dominators, there’s an even more nefarious application of HAARP that is more qualitative and less strictly quantitative…the use of pulsed microwaves to engage in various forms of brain/mind control operations over large areas of human population. If this sounds scary, it’s because this IS terrifying. If peoples’ ability to think was undermined, they would have no idea that anything was wrong; they would cease to be “people” as traditionally defined and become somnambulant zombie slaves, centrally debilitated, blissfully ignorant and complacent as cows.
Again, many people are saying “Yeah, right…” They’re the same ones who are drinking Diet Coke out of aluminum cans while talking on their mobile phones, smoking a cigarette and ingesting televised infotoxin about how nuclear power is “safe and clean.” Got fluoride? Chem-trail residue?
But I kid you not, the power-mongers have been hard at it for decades (maybe even centuries…or, if you listen to David Icke, these same “people” have been at it since 3000 B.C.); they’re the ones who actually invented money just so they could eventually have and do all this stuff. Their time has come…or so they think…and they’ve done their best to inspire almost all humanity to join them in their orgy of self-destruction. Unfortunately, most of us help them every day with the routines of apathy and consumption that we just think of as our normal lives; this is exactly why it’s all been able to get to the level it’s at now. Slowly but surely the “global elite” has been assembling its “A-Team” in the corridors of power.
It’s no coincidence that with a ”charismatic personality president” who’s a CIA asset, an administration that’s pure Wall Street, ten years of chem-trails behind us and HAARP full operational, the spectre of Zbigniew “Doc Tronic” Brzezinski should be summoned once again to serve the agenda of the White House control regime.
His name may be difficult to pronounce, but his prophetic role in what is unfolding today is clearly defined. In terms of “architects” or “master-minds” of the plans and goals of the “New World Order” cult, he would occupy the apex of the pyramid. Polish by birth, Brzezinski founded the Trilateral Commission on behalf of the Rockefellers, served as Secretary of State in the Carter administration in the late 1970’s, and was professor of international relations at Harvard. He authored two highly influential books of profound visionary hegemony, The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (1997) and Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era (1970). Clearer blue-prints could not be found for the transformation of America into an instrument of full-spectrum global domination: blue-prints which are clearly being followed.
Always an arch enemy of Russia, Brzezinski is known to be the founder and real “master mind” of “Al Qaeda”, the original CIA-directed “terrorist army” led by our old friend Osama bin Laden whose initial purpose was to mire the then Soviet Union in a Viet Nam-style conflict in Afghanistan in the 1970’s.
Since then, the “Iron Curtain” fell in 1992, dissolving the former USSR into several geo-political entities which allowed the strategic Caspian Sea basin to be penetrated by transnational energy interests. Osama bin Laden and “Al Qaeda” served as the “key enablers” of imperial mobilization in the wake of 9/11, playing the role of “patsy” in what was to date the hugest and most sophisticated textbook psychological warfare operation ever attempted. It didn’t matter that the “official story” was not only unbelievably ludicrous, logically impossible, and defied the laws of physics; Hitler’s “big lie” had been taken to a new level and the public, conditioned for decades to assimilate uncritically anything spewing out of a television, swallowed it whole. The “reality orchestrators” succeeded beyond their wildest dreams as people exist today who STILL think that bin Laden directed it all using his laptop a cave in Afghanistan.
Just as the “war on terror” is merely a euphemism for “imperial mobilization”, “Osama bin Laden” is pretty much of a euphemism for “Zbigniew Brzezinski.” Osama and “Al Qaeda” may have existed as real people at one time, but since 9/11 they are little more than media “bogies” which can be invoked with the insertion of a video tape whenever the perceived threat of “terrorism” is needed. Brzezinski is the REAL “master-mind” of 9/11 and “Al Qaeda”, not bin Laden, who is believed to have been dead for several years.
With Brzezinski’s “imperial mobilization” well under way, his conspicuous reappearance in the White House is an omen that indeed the “technetronic era” is upon us. Zbig-boy has “master-minded” a lot more than just the “war on terror”, and he is not one to rest upon his laurels! I invite you to read or at least scan through the two books I mentioned earlier. Here is a selection of chillingly prophetic quotations which demonstrate that Brzezinski has in fact supplied the “long term strategic design”, “mission statement” and “coherent ideology” for the “global elite’s” world take-over.
“The key question for the future is ‘What will America…a society that is both a social pioneer and a guinea pig for mankind…bequeath to the world as the enduring legacy of its primacy?’ The answer depends in part on how long that primacy lasts and on how energetically America shapes a framework of key power partnerships that over time can be more formally institutionalized. In fact, the window of historical opportunity for America's constructive exploitation of its global power could prove to be relatively brief, for both domestic and external reasons. A genuinely populist democracy has never before attained international supremacy. The pursuit of power and especially the economic costs and human sacrifice that the exercise of such power often requires are not generally congenial to democratic instincts. Democratization is inimical to imperial mobilization.
“Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multicultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstances of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat.”
from The Grand Chessboard
“In the technetronic society scientific and technical knowledge, in addition to enhancing production capabilities, quickly spills over to affect almost all aspects of life directly. Accordingly, both the growing capacity for the instant calculation of the most complex interactions and the increasing availability of biochemical means of human control augment the potential scope of consciously chosen direction, and thereby also the pressures to direct, to choose, and to change…”
"Today we are again witnessing the emergence of transnational elites…[Whose] ties cut across national boundaries…It is likely that before long the social elites of most of the more advanced countries will be highly internationalist or globalist in spirit and outlook…The nation-state is gradually yielding its sovereignty…Further progress will require greater American sacrifices. More intensive efforts to shape a new world monetary structure will have to be undertaken, with some consequent risk to the present relatively favorable American position."
"The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society…dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities."
“Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control. Under such circumstances, the scientific and technological momentum of the country would not be reversed but would actually feed on the situation it exploits. It would tap the nation's intellectual talent for broad target planning and exploit the existence of doctrinaire groups by using them as social barometers and as sources of novel ideas. Persisting social crisis, the emergence of a charismatic personality, and the exploitation of mass media to obtain public confidence would be the stepping-stones in the piecemeal transformation of the United States into a highly controlled society.”
“Not only have new weapons been developed but some of the basic concepts of geography and strategy have been fundamentally altered; space and weather control have replaced Suez or Gibraltar as key elements of strategy. In addition to improved rocketry, multi-missiles, and more powerful and more accurate bombs, future
developments may well include automated or manned space warships, deep-sea installations, chemical and biological weapons, death rays, and still other forms of warfare—even the weather may be tampered with. These new weapons could either encourage expectations of one-sided, relatively "inexpensive" victory; permit proxy contests that will be decisive in their strategic political outcome but will be fought by only a few human beings (as in the Battle of Britain) or even by robots in outer space…”
“In addition, it may be possible—and tempting—to exploit for strategic political purposes the fruits of research on the brain and on human behavior. Gordon J. F. MacDonald, a geophysicist specializing in problems of warfare, has written that accurately timed, artificially excited electronic strokes ‘could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the earth. ... In this way, one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period. . . . No matter how deeply disturbing the thought of using the environment to manipulate behavior for national advantages to some, the technology permitting such use will very probably develop within the next few decades.’ “
From Between Two Ages, 1970
MacDonald was associate director of the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at the University of California, Los Angeles, as well as a member of President Johnson’s Science Advisory Committee. Brzezinski describes him as a “geophysicist specializing in problems of warfare.” Obviously, MacDonald was not interested in the ‘problem’ of averting or abolishing war, but on ‘problems’ of conducting it invisibly and absolutely. Here again is another prophetic blue-print that looks like a “wish-list” for the Pentagon; important to note is that not only is this from 1966, but also that MacDonald probably hadn’t foreseen the “new Pearl Harbour” calculated to catalyze the Brzezinskian metastasis. “Among future means of obtaining national objectives by force, one possibility hinges on man’s ability to control and manipulate the environment of his planet. When achieved, this power over his environment will provide man with a new force capable of doing great and indiscriminate damage. Our present primitive understanding of deliberate environmental change makes it difficult to imagine a world in which geophysical warfare is practiced. Such a world might be one in which nuclear weapons were effectively banned and the weapons of mass destruction were those of environmental catastrophe…geophysical weapons…are peculiarly suited for covert or secret wars.” “Substantial progress within the environmental sciences is slowly overcoming the gap between fact and fiction regarding manipulations of the Earth’s physical environment. As these manipulations become possible, history shows that attempts may be made to use them in support of national ambitions…” “The key to geophysical warfare is the identification of the environmental instabilities to which the addition of a small amount of energy would release vastly greater amounts of energy. Environmental instability is a situation in which nature has stored energy in some part of the Earth or its surroundings far in excess of that which is usual. To trigger this instability, the required energy might be introduced violently by explosions or gently by small bits of material able to induce rapid changes by acting as catalysts or nucleating agents. The mechanism for energy storage might be the accumulation of strain over hundreds of millions of years in the solid Earth, or the super-cooling of water vapour in the atmosphere by up-draughts taking place over a few tens of minutes. Effects of releasing this energy could be world-wide, as in the case of altering climate, or regional, as in the case of locally excited earthquakes or enhanced precipitation.” “The quantities of energy involved in weather systems exceed by a substantial margin the quantity of energy under man’s direct control…In considering whether or not climate modification is possible, it is useful to examine climate variations under natural conditions.” “…climate is primarily determined by the balance between the incoming short-wave from the Sun (principally light) and the loss of outgoing long-wave radiation (principally heat)…Three factors dominate the balance: the energy of the Sun, the surface character of terrestrial regions (water, ice, vegetation, desert, etc.), and the transparency of the Earth’s atmosphere to different forms of radiated energy.” “There has been much controversy in recent years about conjectured overall effects on the world’s climate of emissions of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from furnaces and engines burning fossil fuel…Carbon dioxide placed in the atmosphere since the start of the industrial revolution has produced an increase in the average temperature of the lower atmosphere of a few tenths of a degree Fahrenheit. The water vapour that may be introduced into the stratosphere by the supersonic transport may also result in a similar temperature rise. In principle it would be feasible to introduce material into the upper atmosphere that would absorb either incoming light (thereby cooling the surface) or outgoing heat (thereby warming the surface). In practice, in the rarefied and windswept upper atmosphere, the material would disperse rather quickly, so that military use of such a technique would probably rely upon global rather than local effects. Moreover, molecular material will tend to decompose, and even elemental materials will eventually be lost by diffusion into space or precipitation to the surface. At intermediate levels, in the stratosphere, materials may tend to accumulate though the mixing time for this part of the atmosphere is certainly less than ten years and may be a few months. If a nation’s meteorologists calculated that a general warming or cooling of the Earth was in their national interest, improving their climate while worsening others, the temptation to release materials from high-altitude rockets might exist. At present we know too little about the paradoxical effects of warming and cooling, however, to tell what the outcome might be.” “More sudden, perhaps much briefer but nevertheless disastrous effects, are predictable if chemical or physical means were developed for attacking one of the natural constituents of the atmosphere, ozone.” “At present, we can only tentatively speculate about modifying the short-wave radiation at its source, the Sun. We have discovered major instabilities on the Sun’s surface which might be manipulated many years hence. In a solar flare, for example, 1010 megatons of energy are stored in distorted magnetic fields. With advanced techniques of launching rockets and setting off large explosions, we may sometime in the future learn to trigger these instabilities.” “The usual schemes for modifying climate involve the manipulation of large ice fields…A. T. Wilson has proposed a cyclical theory for the Ice Ages based on this instability…If the speculative theory of Wilson is correct (and there are many attractive features to it) then a mechanism does exist for catastrophically altering the Earth’s climate. The release of thermal energy, perhaps through nuclear explosions along the base of an ice sheet, could initiate outward sliding of the ice sheet which would then be sustained by gravitational energy.” “What causes earthquakes? Over geological time, the irregular distribution of heat-producing radioactive elements in the rock layers gives rise to sub-surface temperature differences between various parts of the Earth. In the continents, granites and similar rocks have concentrated radioactive elements near the surface; no similar concentration has taken place in the sub-oceanic regions, which may as a result be more than 100 degrees C cooler than the corresponding sub-continental regions. Such variations in temperature along a horizontal line, due to the differences in the vertical distribution of heat-producing elements, give rise to large thermal stresses, causing strain analogous to that which cracks a glass tumbler filled with hot water. Of possible value is the observation that, before an earthquake, the accumulating strain accelerates… “The use as a weapon system of the strain energy instability within the solid Earth requires an effective triggering mechanism. A scheme for pumping water seems clumsy and easily detectable. On the other hand, if the strain pattern in the crust can be accurately determined, the phased or timed release of energy from smaller faults, designed to trigger a large fault at some distance, could be contemplated. This timed release could be activated through small explosions and thus it might be possible to use this release of energy stored in small faults at some distance from a major fault to trigger that major fault. For example, the San Andreas fault zone, passing near Los Angeles and San Francisco, is part of the great earthquake belt surrounding the Pacific. Good knowledge of the strain within this belt might permit the setting off of the San Andreas zone by timed explosions in the China Sea and Philippine Sea. In contrast with certain meteorological operations, it would seem rather unlikely that such an attack could be carried out covertly under the guise of natural earthquakes.” “One instability offering potential as a future weapon system is that associated with tsunamis. A series of phased explosions, perhaps setting off natural earthquakes, would be a most effective way. I could even speculate on planning a guided tidal wave, where guidance is achieved by correctly shaping the source which releases energy.” “…we live in an insulating atmosphere between two spherical conducting shells or, as the radio engineer would put it, in an Earth-ionosphere cavity, or waveguide…Like any such cavity, the Earth-ionosphere waveguide will tend to sustain radio oscillation at certain frequencies in preference to others.” “One can imagine several ways in which to increase the intensity of such electrical oscillations. The number of lightning strokes per second…100 lightning strokes occur each second…could be enhanced by artificially increasing their original number. Substantial progress has been made in the understanding of the physics of lightning and of how it might be controlled. The natural oscillations are excited by randomly occurring strokes. The excitation of timed strokes would enhance the efficiency with which energy is injected into an oscillation.” “The enhanced low-frequency electrical oscillations in the Earth-ionosphere cavity relate to possible weapons systems through a little understood aspect of brain physiology.”
“The Brain Research Institute of the University of California is investigating the effect of weak oscillating fields on human behaviour. The field strengths in these experiments are of the order of a few hundredths of a volt per centimetre. Subjects show small but measurable degradation in performance when exposed to oscillating fields for periods of up to fifteen minutes.” “The field strengths in these experiments are still much stronger, by a factor of about 1,000, than the observed natural oscillations in the Earth-ionosphere cavity. However, as previously noted, the intensity of the natural fluctuations could be increased substantially and in principle could be maintained for a long time, as tropical thunder storms are always available for manipulation. The proper geographical location of the source of lightning, coupled with accurately-timed, artificially-excited strokes, could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produced relatively high power levels over certain regions of the Earth and substantially lower levels over other regions. In this way, one could develop a system that would seriously impair brain performance in very large populations in selected regions over an extended period.” “Perturbation of the environment can produce changes in behaviour patterns. No matter how deeply disturbing the thought of using the environment to manipulate behaviour for national advantage is to some, the technology permitting such use will very probably develop within the next few decades.” “Man already possesses highly effective tools for destruction. Eventually, however, means other than open warfare may be used to secure national advantage…it may be to a country’s advantage to ensure a peaceful natural environment for itself and a disturbed environment for its competitors.”
“A nation possessing superior technology in environmental manipulation could damage an adversary without revealing its intent…Operations producing such conditions might be carried out covertly, since nature’s great irregularity permits storms, floods, droughts, earthquakes and tidal waves to be viewed as unusual but not unexpected. Such a ‘secret war’ need never be declared or even known by the affected populations. It could go on for years with only the security forces involved being aware of it. The years of drought and storm would be attributed to unkindly nature and only after a nation were thoroughly drained would an armed take-over be attempted.” “In addition to their covert nature, a feature common to several modification schemes is their ability to affect the Earth as a whole. The environment knows no political boundaries; it is independent of the institutions based on geography and the effects of modification can be projected from any one point to any other on the Earth…there is concern that this incipient technology is in total conflict with many of the traditional geographical and political units and concepts…Our understanding of basic environmental science and technology is primitive, but still more primitive are our notions of the proper political forms and procedures to deal with the consequences of modification.”
For people who have a little scientific background and whose minds haven’t been completely desensitized by mass-media “shock and awe”, reading about attempts to manipulate instabilities on the surface of the sun, not to mention those of an atmospheric or tectonic nature, would be cause enough for alarm; yet another horror awaits us as the spectre of “technetronic” mind/brain warfare envisioned by Brzezinski and MacDonald looms on the horizon, just like the head of Godzilla appearing over the mountainside in the original movie!
The origins of the “technetronic era” extend back much further than Brzezinski and MacDonald, who were both heavily influenced by Edward Teller. Theoretically, “technetronics”, especially conceived as weaponry, could be credited to Tesla, but functionally it began with the inception of television, touted as “the atomic bomb of the mind.” None of the “negative utopias” envisioned by Orwell, Huxley or Zamyatin utilized even rudimentary “technetronics”, relying more on propaganda techniques and pharmaceutical assuagements like “soma.”
Ultimately, the ideological, theoretical and psycho-analytical under-pinnings of “technetronic warfare” can be traced all the way back to the origins of “civilization”, as I have tried to show in this article. Ancient rulers were obsessed with “emulating the gods” through their forms of warfare; the human desire to make the Earth tremble, to call down thunder and lightning, to wreak massive destruction from the heavens may have stemmed from our repeated collective traumatization by cosmic catastrophes.
That the over-lords of weaponized mass-communication have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams is a grotesque understatement of the situation we find ourselves in today. Historian Harold Innis warned that electronic communication enlarged the possible scale of social organization, greatly enhanced the possibilities of centralization and imperialism in matters of culture and politics, and "favored the establishment of commercialism, empire and eventually technocracy."
Innis was essentially talking about the “content” of electronic media, the dynamics of language and information, and the manipulation of techniques of presentation, dissemination, and agenda, most fully embodied first by advertising, then projected as the “weltanschauungskrieg”, the original Nazi psychiatrist paradigm, then re-invented in America as “psychological warfare.” Since World War 2, the overall toxicity of our mental environment has increased exponentially in direct proportion to the pervasiveness of mass-media, the centralization of its control, and the weaponization of its intent. I believe that around 1984 we crossed the “threshold of infotoxin”; since then, the majority of all aspects of mass-media have been weaponized.
Innis’ colleague Marshall McLuhan was fond of saying that “the medium is the message”; technetronically speaking, however, the medium is not just the “message” but is itself a weapon. “Brain-washing” experts like Herbert Krugmann knew from the beginning that at the physiological level, television creates a hypnotic state of uncritical assimilation, regardless of the “content” of what is being watched.
Herein lies a fundamental difference between “traditional” non-lethal weapons like television, and the new “exotic” non-lethal weapons systems like HAARP: television is watched at the level of the individual and its use is optional. The technology can be turned on or preferably off at will. Not so with HAARP.
With HAARP’s “technetronic warfare”, entire geographic regions of human population can be targeted with debilitating radio-frequency energy, unknowingly and probably against their will! To quote Brzezinski quoting MacDonald: it’s “a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period.”
“Psychotronic” warfare targeting the brain itself electromagnetically was pioneered by Russian scientists in the mid-20th century, then enthusiastically taken up by the western mic, in particular, the CIA, who continues to under-write a vast array of academic as well as “black” operations, of which the notorious MK-Ultra project is a single known example among thousands.
The revolution in brain research and the militarization of neuro-science in recent decades has been instrumental in the development of “technetronic” warfare. Once again, Tesla was a step ahead, who “discovered that he could cause both positive and negative ionization of the atmosphere by manipulating the radio frequency. Further studies indicated that with positive ionization, people and animals became tired and lethargic and with negative ionization the effect was one of feeling active and energetic.” Note that the ionisation of the metallic salts used in chem-trails are exclusively positive.
For clear evidence that the Pentagon is indeed following the Brzezinski-MacDonald blue-print, check this out, from an Air Force document Radiofrequency Radiation Dosimetry Handbook :
‘specially generated radiofrequency radiation pose powerful and revolutionary antipersonnel military threats….the increasing understanding of the brain as an electrically mediated organ suggest that impressed electromagnetic fields can be disruptive of purposeful behavior and be capable of directing such behavior. Further, the passage of 100 milliamperes through the myocardium can lead to cardiac standstill and death, again pointing to a speed-of-light weapons effect.’
From another Air Force document, entitled, "Final Report on Biotechnology Research Requirements for Aeronautical Systems Through the Year 2000”:
‘While initial attention should be toward degradation of human performance through thermal loading and electromagnetic field effects, subsequent work should address the possibilities of directing and interrogating mental functioning, using externally applied fields within the possibility of a revolutionary capability to defend against hostile actions and to collect intelligence data prior to conflict onset…A rapidly scanning RFR (radio frequency radiation) system could provide an effective stun or kill capability over a large area.’
Few people outside the “loop” of “classified research”, “black ops” or the “central controllers” have full or accurate information about the actual “state-of-the-art” of “technetronic” warfare. We can be sure that what we know about is, once again, only the tip of a vast ice-berg; and independent thought is the Titanic. But it seems to me that two fundamental truths can be verified:
First, that Eisenhour’s “disastrous rise of misplaced power” happened long ago, that Brzezinski’s “elite, unrestrained by traditional values…[who] would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques…of warfare” has seized the daze of imperial mobilization and “full-spectrum dominance”, and that MacDonald’s vision is now reality: “A nation possessing superior technology in environmental manipulation could damage an adversary without revealing its intent…Such a ‘secret war’ need never be declared or even known by the affected populations. It could go on for years with only the security forces involved being aware of it.”
Second, that this “secret war” is no longer theoretical but is being waged globally at this very minute and has actually been on-going for a long time. Even without “inside information”, observations and intuitions reveal patterns, characteristics and changes in “natural disasters”, “industrial accidents” and human and ecological health indicative of “technetronic warfare” unleashed.
Despite the fact that “technetronic warfare” is supposed to be “secret” by design and its existence “plausibly deniable”, it’s possible for astute observers not only to compile evidence for their use, but to engage in intelligent speculation about what might be coming next, what the larger agenda might be.
MacDonald says that environmental modification operations “might be carried out covertly, since nature’s great irregularity permits storms, floods, droughts, earthquakes and tidal waves to be viewed as unusual but not unexpected.”
In terms of the dynamics of the Earth, humans haven’t been here long enough to know what is “natural” or “normal”; we only know what it’s been like since we’ve been here. Despite models derived from second-order information like the study of ice-core samples, little consensus exists even in honest scientific circles concerning the nature of long-term weather and climate patterns; the one thing that is agreed upon is that the “operating environment” in which they occur, the Earth’s atmosphere, is itself neither simple, isolated or inert. On the contrary…the atmosphere as a whole is extraordinarily complex; surrounding and embedded within multiple and equally complex terrestrial and helio-cosmic systems; and behaves more like a living organism than a “thermodynamic” mechanism. One of the foundations of James Lovelock’s “Gaia hypothesis” (conceived long before he lost the plot) is the fact that the Earth’s atmosphere exists in a continuous state of chemical and thermodynamic disequilibrium, which occurs only in living systems. Living systems, of which we are part and parcel, can only be understood or modelled superficially by forms of “science” bent on subjugation rather than co-existence. Moreover, the responses of living systems are highly unpredictable, and possibly “intelligent.”
Despite the brevity of our window of awareness and the superficiality of our knowledge, a fair generalization can be made about the long-term history of life on the Earth: it consists of “long slow gradual processes punctuated by events of short duration with lasting effects”; a super-imposition of “catastrophism” and “evolution.”
We don’t really know what “normal” is for the Earth. The tendency lately is the belief that in recent years and decades we have entered a period of “Earth changes.” Myriad causes and explanations exist for all this, some of them quite credible, many quite incredible. The cyclical world-view of indigenous peoples as a whole makes a lot of sense which, in a nutshell, is the concept that what we think of as “time” is not purely “linear” but more like “seasons” that the Earth and solar-system go through. These “seasonal” fluctuations are long, slow gradual changes without well-defined boundaries; they may be the result of constantly varying movements and processes within the Earth as well as in the proximal and distal cosmic environments, for example, gravitational and energetic aspects of the moon, sun, planets, stars and the galactic core. Super-imposed on this variable continuum would be, for example, “spikes” in energetic emanations from the sun, galactic core, or super-novae; effects of the interaction and/or collision of the Earth with comets or asteroids; and now, “technogeneous” or “anthropogenic” effects.
From the perspective of the Earth and indigenous peoples, “geo-terrorism” began with the dawn of “civilization.” In our minds, however, “geo-terrorism” is mankind’s manipulation of the forces of nature to conduct warfare against others of his own kind.
Evidence of many kinds exists which discloses the “finger-prints” of active “geo-terrorism.” For many years not only have “natural disasters” seemed to be on the rise…which may or may not be “normal” for where/when we are now, we have no way to know…but many of them possessed unusual or anomalous characteristics. At this point, rather than attempting an “objective” analysis, I will depart from the somewhat “scholarly” approach of this article so far, and just relate my own experience of all this, what I’ve noticed and thought about it all.
The current level of “attack” started with 9/11, which I instantly recognized for what it was, as did a lot of people. I had already been on “red-alert” level since earlier in 2001 when I first learned about the U.S. Navy’s attack on the cetaceans with “low-frequency active sonar.” That something this diabolical was under-way against the “real people” of this planet was a serious portent of things to come.
Ever since then, the whole world has been under attack with a whole new level of nefarious deceit and wars of aggression, visible and invisible. I had known about chem-trails and HAARP for many years, and was well aware that the wide spectrum of extremely anomalous aspects of Hurricane Katrina were likely to be man-made. Here we saw unusual energetic signatures never before detected in hurricanes, as well as a highly unusual trajectory. We also witnessed a bizarre situation in which FEMA and other federal agencies thwarted emergency efforts, refused international assistance, and treated victims and evacuees, many of whom were “ethnic minorities”, like prisoners of war.
Similar patterns seemed to recur with subsequent “natural disasters”, including earthquakes and tsunamis that devastated Indonesia, Chile and Haiti. Because of living “on the road”, we are often out of media contact for days or even weeks on end; I’m sure there’s a lot more examples I am totally unaware of. What I’m sharing is an overall impression.
In September of 2010 while in Australia we learned of the earthquake that rattled Christchurch, New Zealand, a city where I’ve spent a lot of time and have quite a few good friends. This quake seemed strange to me, as I’d known that, according to geologists, the Canterbury plain on which Christchurch is built is one of the most seismically stable regions of New Zealand. As bizarre as it was, however, it could still be chalked up to “Earth changes” coming in.
In the week or two before we left Australia, we experienced a massive plague of locusts sweeping down into western Victoria from Queensland to the north, and left just before the most powerful cyclone ever to reach Australia delivered astronomical amounts of rain, causing the worst flooding in the country’s history. Meteorologists noted that this storm was highly unusual in that it gained in strength faster than any they’d previously seen, and that it seemed to be being prevented from following the usual cyclonic path by an unusual stationary high pressure system to the south. The result was that it hit land sooner and with greater force.
I remember thinking back to our time in Darwin and coming down through the Kimberley, and how several people were saying that the coming wet season was going to be a major one, from their “reading” of natural signs, for example, the intensity of lightning displays, the fact that crocodiles were nesting high up on the river banks, and that lots of “willy-willies” (Australian for “dust-devil”) were appearing in the Pilbara. All of this was a bit unusual, but not outside the boundaries of what could be thought of as “natural.”
Yet we were highly aware of weirdness about, and the mystery only deepened after we returned to Christchurch in December. Here is an excerpt from my journal of a few weeks ago:
“Since our first visit in 2010, Christchurch had experienced its first major earthquakes, in an area believed by many geologists to have been seismically stable for as long as tens of thousands of years. Amazingly, no lives were lost; but it seemed like a massive ‘wake-up call.’ We were near Akaroa for the Boxing Day quake that sent people out of the cbd; I was in a zone of silence when it happened, and I remember hearing it quite clearly. It was actually a combination of hearing and feeling it. I knew what it was; there was something very eery about it. I definitely knew that it was not thunder and not a man-made sound, some subtle information contained in the harmonics of the rumble. It had some of the characteristics of a voice, the groan or moan of a being more than an inanimate sound. We have spent a good deal of time in Christchurch since Christmas, and have talked with almost everyone we see about the quakes, especially the seemingly unending series of thousands of after-shocks, maybe a dozen or more we felt there ourselves. Most people seemed to find it all amusing on the surface, but then you could see a level of unacknowledged concern about ‘when it was going to stop.’ “
My immediate feeling about the Christchurch quake and after-math was that not only was it all not over, it was more than likely just beginning. I thought it premature, if not even unintelligent, to start re-building already when the distinct possibility existed that more, possibly worse, quakes could happen at any time.
We came and went from Christchurch a lot over the next few weeks, exploring the extent of Canterbury, from Oamaru, to Castle Hill, to Kaikoura, taking in the beauty and power of New Zealand’s natural legacy.
After we posted some recent photos, I got an interesting email from a researcher in California named Rosalind Peterson. She used to be involved with the state government of California, but in recent years has become an independent investigator of issues affecting the health and integrity of human and ecological systems. She pointed out two images of cloud formations that I’d photographed, and she wanted to know their location and date. When I asked her to tell me what she had found, she said that both formations were indicative of man-made atmospheric engineering activities. One of the formations was from east of Adelaide, South Australia, in mid-December, and the other was from west of Waiau, in north Canterbury, New Zealand, in mid-January.
Shortly thereafter, we returned to Christchurch, where I saw an article in the newspaper about “frequent rumbling noises over the past few months since the September eartquake.” This rumbling, reported from Redcliffs, New Brighton, and Sumner, was “a very rare event. There was a very odd occurrence of instability in the wave clouds that actually managed to make a thunderstorm.” These were precisely the areas hardest-hit by the quake of 22 February that had yet to occur.
The day after we left Christchurch heading south, we were camping out in Winchester, and were awoken in the night by brilliant flashes of lightning. I was sound asleep, and I deeply regret not getting up to watch and to photograph what must have been an unbelievable display of celestial discharges. What I do remember, however, is that the flashes seemed to have an unusual quality to them, as I could both see and “feel” the “flash” or pulse of the discharge even inside our tent. Unusually as well, only much later did the thunder come; but when it did, it seemed like one long continuous peal that went on for 20 or 30 minutes. I love the energy of storms, but, like the sound of the quake I heard from Wainui, there was something really eery, even unnatural, about it.
The next day we visited the Moeraki boulders to the south, and on the way back, again in the vicinity of Winchester, something really weird happened. All of a sudden, we began to feel really tired and drained of energy. We were well rested, and it was only early afternoon; the fact that it came on so suddenly was unusual.
I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that my eyes looked really red and blood-shot, even though we were stone cold sober. My partner and I were both identically affected, and noted at the time how strange it was. It went on for a while, but eventually subsided. I remembered thinking that it was as if we had driven through a region of altered energy or a zone of extreme positive ionisation. It made me think of the reports of large flocks of birds falling from the sky, honey-bees dying off and of pods of cetaceans stranding, and what may have caused it.
Even stranger, a couple weeks later we were in Dunedin, just to the south of Moeraki, and a friend of ours told us that he had experienced exactly the same thing with the sudden attacks of tiredness and red-eyes, for no apparent reason. He also said that a good friend of his there had been doing serious research into chem-trails and had just been hired by a firm in Norway to continue her work there.
In my mind I made a connection with the highly anomalous bush-fires that destroyed suburbs of Melbourne and other regions of southern Victoria in February of 2009. The most unusual thing about these fires was their unprecedented intensity, and how the air temperature just before the fires that day seemed to increase suddenly several degrees above what already appeared to be the high for the day. As well, a conference on extreme weather was taking place in Melbourne that very weekend; this is documented. Undocumented is the rumour that both Tony Blair and Rupert Murdoch were in town at the same time as well.
Just over a month ago we made a trek up onto what we consider to be a very powerful and sacred mountain in southern New Zealand. Our experience there was in fact trans-dimensional. It was as if we’d been within the womb of Mother Earth, and could feel her feelings. I realized that this may have been possible in part because this mountain is made entirely of granite, and the whole top of it is made of quartzite. Geologically speaking, both granite and quartzite are the most fully diamagnetic minerals that exist; that is, they are totally non-magnetizable. What this means is that when we were up on the mountain, we were totally shielded from any electromagnetic perturbations or disturbances, in particular, the weaponized man-made ones so increasingly evident.
I was inspired to deliver a “message from the heart of the Earth” whose essence is this:
“We are ALL on a journey through the unknown. Life and the Earth have gone through similar ‘windows of change’ before, but each time is unique. Humans must realize that as a whole they are waging an unconscious war against their very home and mother; as a whole they are insane with respect to the ‘reality’ of global indigenous wisdom. If humans as a whole woke up, questioned what they are doing, and renavigated their process, most importantly by greatly reducing immediate damage to the Earth, her eco-systems and life-forms, they will astronomically increase their own chances not only for ‘survival’ through these ‘Earth changes’ but may find themselves included once again with a place in the coming ‘new creation’.”
The very next day the big earthquake happened in Christchurch that totally destroyed the cbd and killed over 300 people. I had already written an article on how the September quake there could be seen as creating a “window of re-navigation”, but the question was, would people seize the opportunity or just carry on with the same old same old. After the second, bigger, and lethal quake, I began this article; before I could finish it, the mega-quake/nuclear attack happened in Japan, creating a trinary disaster scenario now affecting the entire planet.
A lot of people think it’s just good old “Earth changes” or “God” punishing us…or “them.” Surely, the Earth has always “quaked” here and there, and periodically the Sun emits “coronal mass ejections” during peaks in the sunspot cycle, which we are approaching now. Over the past year or two, we have been able to correlate the appearance of internal sensations of anxiety or strange feelings in our solar plexi with CME’s.
These are “natural” processes. But when the tell-tale signatures of electromagnetic warfare are reported around the world, for example, the appearance of oily, rainbow-coloured clouds in areas where unusual earthquakes happen, as well as other cloud formations associated with “atmospheric engineering”, as well as many other anomalies, it’s clear that more is going on.
Evidence for this “more going on” can also be found in the socio-political field of activity. I found it highly unusual that “military exercises” were in fact being conducted in and around Haiti at the time of their recent quake; in and around Christhchurch on the day of their recent quake (I saw on tv that New Zealand naval vessels were already in Lyttelton harbour at the time of the quake); and apparently a huge U.S. naval exercise was taking place not far from Japan at the time of their recent quake; the U.S.S. Reagan was there for this.
The U.S. Navy is who controls the HAARP system, and it’s actually operated by Phillips Laboratories. I haven’t had time to do as much research into it as I’d like, but we know that the whole system of “space weapons” is being expanded and upgraded as quickly as possible. I noticed that only a few weeks ago the largest “satellite” ever was put into orbit by the U.S., using the largest rocket ever built, and launched from a “west coast” space facility that I didn’t even know existed. The article said it was for “communications” but it could in fact be something like Bernard Eastland’s “Thunderstorm” satellite which is designed to boost the power of the HAARP system with direct solar energy. And I just learned of this thing called
“The Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX) platform.. a phased array antenna – a key component of the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) GMD system…The military vessel includes power plant, a bridge, control rooms, living quarters, storage areas and the infrastructure necessary to support the massive X-band radar. The SBX radar is the most sophisticated phased array, electro-mechanically steered X-band radar in the world – according to Boeing claims. The phased array antenna consists of thousands of antennas driven by transmit/receive modules. The radar is designed and built by Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems for Boeing, the prime contractor on the project for the United States Missile Defense Agency (MDA).”
It looks like a huge white dome mounted on top of a floating oil-drilling platform, and was apparently there with the U.S. Strike Force en route to South Korea at the time of the Japan quake. As an integral and recently introduced component of the HAARP system, this could have been the primary local transmitter for triggering the Japan earthquake. And only Boeing knows how many of these things exist.
Independent researchers in New Zealand reported that two days before the Christchurch quake, a huge pod of dolphins seemed to become disoriented in a bay on the north island, but were guided back to sea with human assistance; the next day, a large pod of pilot whales beached themselves on Stewart Island, not far from Bluff, where another HAARP-component transmitter facility is located. “Coincidentally”, a large CME’s happened on the sun around this time.
We’ve known for a long time that animals seem to be able to sense earthquakes before they happen. In September of 1987 I was in Pasadena, California visiting a friend. We’d been playing some music one evening and then went outside to have a break. We both noticed that the crickets seemed much louder than normal. The next morning a 6.2 quake struck.
This may have something to do with electrical and/or magnetic disturbances that occur in conjunction with earthquakes; it’s probably always been like this, long before homo sapiens came onto the scene, and has to do with energies from the sun interacting with tectonic and seismic processes and magnetic fields in the Earth. With the advent of industrial civilization, a wrench has been thrown into anything that used to be “natural”; add in scientifically premeditated “environmental warfare” and ergo: the field of complexity we are now experiencing. The basic pattern is that “natural” events are still happening, but have unusual characteristics concerning where they are happening, their timing, and their higher energetic levels. Everything humanity does happens within the larger cosmic context.
Further socio-political anomalies or “coincidences” include the acquisition by the Rothschild interests a few weeks ago of a mega global weather-forecasting system called “Weather Central”; the behaviour of top government officials in the immediate wake of the Christchurch quake, who almost seemed to be laughing and were preoccupied with the relocation of certain businesses even as rescue teams were risking their lives to find survivors. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but apparently the former Finance Minister of Japan has testified that they were threatened with “earthquake weapons” a year ago if they didn’t comply with certain demands. What I’d like to know is, who delivered the “threat”?
Here’s what I saw happening here in New Zealand. I have no idea of anyone here who may have had fore-knowledge of the September Christchurch quake; possibly no one, or possibly “key” government, diplomatic, or business people, who would have been invited to witness what may have been a “test” both of tectonic warfare and to see if the “threat” was successful.
Suppose the “test” went as planned, done in the wee hours with no loss of life but considerable infra-structure damage; the “leaders” they wished to influence, however, were not convinced, writing it off as a “coincidental” natural quake. Traditionally New Zealand has not been nearly the “player” that America wanted it to be, particularly with respect to its “no nuclear” policies. Maybe the goal was to “inspire” New Zealand to be more like Australia with respect to U.S. “foreign policy”, i.e., become another proving ground, strategic outpost, test colony and mine site.
An integral part of the U.S. Space Command’s Vision for 2020 is something called “Global Partnerships.” In their own words, “Global Partnerships augments military space capabilities through the leveraging of civil, commercial, and international space systems.” If we decipher the euphem-speak, what this means is that the U.S. is going to “insist on” the cooperation of whomever it deems necessary for the fulfillment of the control of space, then the world. Or else.
On the exact days of February 21 and 22 (date of the earthquake that destroyed down-town Christchurch) an international symposium was being held there. It was called the “United States – New Zealand Global Partnership Forum.” And a highly improbable cast of luminaries were in town that weekend, of such high rank and in such specialized areas that you’d think that something BIG and DANGEROUS was going to happen. Here are a few of the people who were at the Forum: FEMA Deputy Director Timothy W. Manning (the Federal Emergency Measures Agency is a vast army with the magical ability to be at disaster locations before they occur); Admiral Thad Allen (directed the federal response to Katrina AND was “National Incident Commander” for the BP oil disaster); Richard Armitage (former Deputy Secretary of State, officially headed the U.S. response to 9/11); and Janet Napolitano, U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security (America’s “Gestapo”, created in wake of 9/11) was supposed to address the forum but cancelled at the last minute. This is a cadre of extraordinarily dodgy people with direct connections to the highest levels of the biggest “disasters” and “terrorist attacks” in recent years. They were there ostensibly to discuss matters of “trade and global security.” If a “Ministry of Geo-Terrorism” existed, these would be the leaders. The only one missing is Brzezinski himself. And there’s more: as well, nine members of the U.S. Congress were there for the forum as well, but, due to having reverse-FEMA powers, they suddenly departed Christchurch hours before the quake hit and turned up in Wellington. I remember reading about a similar group of Israeli “leaders” who turned up at Kevin Rudd’s office shortly after he booted their Mossad chief out of the country. Within a few weeks Kevin was history. This envoy of American congress-folk could have been sitting with top Key administration officials at the very moment of the Christchurch quake for all we know, waiting to see what the response was. The identities of these nine Congress-persons would tell a lot. Key is still there, so his response must have been what they wanted to hear. Petroleum exploration drilling off the Canterbury coast began this week, and Bathhurst Mining is buying up vast tracts of land all over New Zealand. Supposedly huge amounts of alluvial coal lie beneath the Canterbury plain. I will leave the rest to your imagination.
I’ve also noticed two more disturbing things in the physical domain. In studying official reports about the February Christchurch quake, I saw that “the region of maximum displacement happened to coincide with the region of highest population density.” In other words, two things coincided that wouldn’t necessarily be related, except by design. In something as purportedly “random” as an earthquake, what is the probability that it just happened that the region where the quake was of greatest intensity at the surface just happened to be the exact center of the cbd?
On a larger scale, I was looking at some charts showing what a fantastic amount of seismic activity seems to be occurring around the entire Pacific rim. This guy was pointing out how a whole string of quakes in the vicinity of Indonesia seemed to happen in a uniform linear sequence, instead of more randomly, as you’d think natural earthquakes would happen. I thought back on what Gordon MacDonald had written about how a major fault could be triggered at some distance by the “phased or timed release of energy from smaller faults…activated through small explosions.” HAARP could easily create a series of “explosions”, and I thought that this linear sequence of quakes could be the result of a series of slight changes in the aiming and firing of the HAARP array, perhaps even being operated by super-computers programmed to trigger tectonic instabilities around the entire circumference of the Pacific rim.
We’ve also known for a long time that earthquakes can be influenced by oceanic and lithospheric movements generated by gravitational forces of the moon and planets. Crustal “tides” could exist in the same way that sea tides are created by lunar influence.
All of these kinds of things have been known for a long time; and the military would have researched all these things far more than anyone else, in their quest, of course, to weaponize every aspect of nature and the cosmos. It would only be logical to assume that the operators of HAARP are acutely aware of the spectrum of terrestrial and heliocosmic conditions existing at any given moment; it is my belief that they are operating in conjunction with phenomena like the phases of the moon and CME’s from the sun. The reasons are at least two-fold: first, the man-made signatures could be concealed within the “great irregularity of nature”, adding to “plausible deniability”; second, they might be able to “piggy-back” on top of natural energetic conditions in order to achieve even higher power levels than they could on their own, which is really the “secret” of triggering instabilities to begin with. Once again, it’s “viral engineering”, taking over the processes of something else to make it do what you want it to do.
Finally, yet another spooky parallel exists. Remember the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico last year? This whole thing, that actually started on Hitler’s birthday, was highly unusual by the standards of previous “industrial accidents.” I found it highly improbable that out of tens of thousands of oil platforms in existence, the one that “exploded” just happened to be located at what the military would call a point of “strategic influence” for conducting environmental warfare, and whose most immediate human effect would be to impact the same Louisiana coastal populations already affected by Katrina.
Deepwater Horizon is located precisely at the origin of the “loop current” which in turn gives rise to the Gulf Stream, one of the largest oceanic “conveyors” of thermo-saline energy on the planet. The Gulf Stream transports vast quantities of warm equatorial water to the north, and gives western Europe a much more temperate climate than other areas of similar latitude. If we were to look at the BP disaster not just as an “industrial accident”, but as “a new form of environmental warfare disguised as an industrial accident”, no better location could have been chosen in which the consequences of one explosion could wreak so much damage, both in terms of the crude petroleum spewing into the ocean, and the unbelievably astronomical quantities of the highly toxic dispersant Corexit that were then added to the mix. The petroleum and the Corexit were dispersed quickly and thoroughly by means of the Gulf Stream, generating negative consequences for aquatic ecology and human health that are only beginning to be mapped. Despite what Obama and the NOAA told us, all this stuff is still there, being distributed throughout the global ocean.
Compare the BP scenario with what has just happened in Japan: another “industrial accident” involving, again, technology designed and built by American-based corporations heavily involved in “defense contracting.” This time, it was billed as a “natural disaster.” And truly, when something of this magnitude happens so suddenly, just like with 9/11, how many people are going to see the hand of techno-fascism in operation? A few..but not that many; most are going to be in “shock and awe.” But look at the parallels. If in fact we look at this as another potentially clandestine military operation, it’s clear that this was the perfect target for wreaking globally apocalyptic environmental warfare: earthquakes and tsunamis do happen “naturally”, right? These reactors are old and just happen to be located on the most seismically active region on the planet. Strategically, Japan is also located smack in the middle of the jet-stream, an atmospheric conveyor of high-velocity winds that transports vast quantities of air and moisture from west to east across the Pacific ocean and around the world. The most simple-minded of military planners would know that if radiation were released here, not only would it be transported tropospherically, it would sooner or later become lofted in the stratosphere and subsequently distributed world-wide by the jet stream, in the same way that the Gulf stream distributed the petroleum and Corexit brew. These reactors had already been identified and studied as potential “terrorist targets” by assorted “think tanks”, as has every military and industrial facility on the planet.
A footnote here on Chernobyl. The possibility exists that the Chernobyl meltdown was not “accidental.” In watching a documentary about it, I noticed two things that struck me as unusual: first, that the “systems test” they were attempting to run was taking place in the evening, when every primary operator was gone, leaving only the younger, inexperienced ‘B-team’ to do it; second, what actually triggered the whole meltdown scenario was a sudden and totally unexplained break-down in the communication link between the operator in the reactor room and the other guy at the control desk. Both of these people were still alive and well when this documentary was made; could it be that they or other employees were actually “operatives” helping western intelligence agencies to bring down the Soviet Union? This happened in 1986 when nuclear tensions were high, Reagan was “president” and Bush, former CIA chief, was actually running the show.
Going one step further, we could then ask, so who decided to build these Japanese reactors in these exact locations, and who decided to put Deepwater Horizon exactly where it happens to be? Again, the answers can be traced back to the same “defense contractors” who designed nuclear reactors and oil-drilling platforms to begin with, the same White House “science advisors”, Pentagon and NGO intelligentsia. The same people or mentalities who coerced Truman to drop the bomb on Japan, so that the effects of nuclear explosions on a human population could be studied in vivo. Independent researchers like Leuren Moret and Webster Tarpley believe that the connection between all of these influential decision-makers, over several generations, is their membership in secret societies like “Skull and Bones”, believed by outsiders to be a “death cult” originating in antiquity. If this is true, not only would these people be victims of malignant self-delusion, but also capable of making decisions or giving orders resulting in scientifically premeditated mass-murder and ecocide.
Despite the abundance of clear evidence, anomalies, and “coincidences”, people will still ask “But who would do this, and why?” The true answer is, of course, “us.” That is, we as humans, as individuals, as members of one species of life on this planet. We are all responsible for what is going on.
Within the human system, subsets can be identified…groups, organizations, coalitions, factions, mentalities, personalities…who are known to have engineered and perpetrated atrocities like World Wars 1 and 2, including the fire-bombing of Dresden and the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; the deployment of highly radio-active DU weaponry; false-flag state-sponsored terror like 9/11. Human life means nothing to these people.
At this point I direct people to a chapter from William Engdahl’s book Seeds of Destruction, the story of genetic engineering and how it has been developed and implemented as a weapons system to control the global food supply, and ultimately humanity. The chapter is entitled “The Brotherhood of Death.” Here Engdahl provides names and details of scientists and researchers, many of them medical doctors, who over the years were employed by Rockefeller-related interests to conduct research in what amounts to “negative eugenics.” Engdahl’s partial listing of

And if we want to learn about exactly what is happening with chem-trails and HAARP, why not consult the CEO’s and administrative personnel of “defense contracting” corporations like Raytheon and Boeing, who are the manufacturers of these technological systems. Sure, this information may be “classified”…but the reason ANYTHING is classified is not because some “enemy” might find out…they would be sure to know it all already…”classification” prevents the public, the people themselves from knowing what these organizations are really up to. If enough people DEMANDED the truth, in particular, any stock-holders in these corporations retaining even an iota of integrity, then the truth would come out. Remember, Brzezinski so respectfully told us that a “genuinely populist democracy…is inimical to imperial mobilization.” In other words, an accurately informed, politically active, environmentally conscious and socially responsible population represents the biggest obstacle to an elite take-over. Hence the urgency of waking up and becoming informed.
The question of “why” these people would do things like this has already been partially answered: greed and insanity. These people believe themselves to be the self-appointed over-lords of the planet. This is not the place for an exposition on the psycho-pathology of megalomania, or why institutionalised mass-murder not only exists but is growing. Let’s just say for now that, regardless of the deeper reasons, what they’re trying to do is control all the natural resources of the world and consolidate all the various governments into a unified “order” that they will rule absolutely. Anybody in their way is exterminated using the full spectrum of military technologies; anyone left gets to become their slaves.
In terms of the “why” of recent “geo-terrorist” attacks, as always, “follow the money.” Since the most powerful corporations are those of global energy and extraction, and form a triumvirate along with the Pentagon and the international banking cartel, all these events must be seen as important to them somehow; each “attack” probably has multiple significances, for example, simultaneously facilitating access to natural resources, helping to “re-locate” any people that might be in the way, and generating instant revenue in the form of criminal scams like “disaster capitalism” insurance and “reconstruction” enterprises. Apparently, Haiti, Chile and New Zealand (the latter two of which had recent and anomalous “mining accidents”) have vast amounts of unexploited mineral wealth. As well, each “geo-terrorism” event serves not only as a “test” of the technology, but also as a “warning” to the leaders of the world.
“Is it real or is it Memorex?” is from an old recording-tape advert. That, in essence, is the question? It’s all “real” but what exactly is going on? It seems to me that nature is doing what she always does, and has always done, largely unbeknownst to us; in terms of geological time, we’ve only been here a few seconds. Logically and factually, we’ve always been a part of nature; but somewhere along the line, maybe with the dawn of “civilization”, we started to get out of tune.
For reasons that may some day become understood, humanity as a whole has created the situation as it currently exists; we didn’t necessarily have to do it this way, but we did, and here we are. Did we deliberately choose the paths taken, or have we been the unwitting “victim” of cosmic energies beyond our control or awareness? These are big questions; I’m asking them, not trying to answer them.
The immediate issue, however, is that for whatever reasons, humans, viewed as one species of life, have done some pretty weird stuff for the past few thousand years. Maybe not “weird” to us, as we can explain what it was all for; but weird, for example, to the whales, to extraterrestrial observers, to the Earth.
All of a sudden, a lot of people are being forced to wake up to the facts that not only is our industrial civilization killing off life as we know it over the whole planet, but that now, tiny factions of humanity are targeting the rest of humanity with science-fiction level weapons. This hasn’t happened over-night, either; telling this story has been a major purpose of this article.
The basic idea as I see it is that Mother Nature is allowing us to take ourselves out, but only after extended warnings, via indigenous spokes-persons, that it didn’t have to happen this way. Few people have heeded the warnings, as levels of Facebook activity confirm. We are in the middle of what could only be called “World War 3”, being fought with mining equipment, mobile phones, fast food, nuclear radiation, cancer weapons, earthquakes, and HAARP. It is a war conducted BY us, AGAINST us. We are on the brink of losing, finally, our singular ability to know what is happening…our minds, our ability to think independently. And the President of the United States tells everyone to “watch tv.” Perfect.
With the advent and expansion of “civilization” the material and energetic presence of humanity has become an ever more significant factor affecting the quality of life on and for the Earth. As engineering and technology have expanded in scale and sophistication, industrial civilization as a whole has become a kind of artificial “growth” on the surface of the Earth. Even before the paradigm of militarisation that has transpired since World War 2, “technogeneous” influences on planetary systems were evident. Humanity as a whole is acting like a “world-eating planetary virus”, tampering with every possible aspect of nature and threatening to render the planetary biosphere uninhabitable for all larger life-forms.
Indigenous prophecies have told us for a long time that “what we do to the Earth, we do to ourselves.” This is NOT a metaphor. All through the 20th century, but particularly after World War 2, and even moreso in the wake of “imperial mobilization” and the implementation of the Brzezinskian/MacDonald paradigm of “geo-terrorism”, the techniques of warfare previously reserved for attacking “the enemy”, then the Earth, have now been turned on humanity as a whole. And whoever thought that the “Earth changes” prophesied for thousands of years would at least in part be of human origin? Such is the nature of karma and of Gaian intelligence.
The situation is complex. We exist as part of a vast and intricate web of life and inter-connected ecological and biospheric systems on the Earth that has existed far longer than we have. Our quantitative and qualitative understanding of these systems is extremely limited. Over the past 5000 years what we call “civilization” has gradually spread over the entire planet, transforming nature into an increasingly weaponized world of artificial reality. Finally, the instruments of war on nature have been turned on ourselves.
Everything we are is intimately bound up within the full spectrum of cosmic energies which gave birth to the Earth and to life itself. Humanity is an extreme anomaly with respect to other forms of life on the Earth. Did we create industrial civilization through our own “free will”, or is the human process driven unconsciously by outside forces, analogous to the way in which warmth and moisture facilitates the spread of mold? Is what we revere as “consciousness” really just our own collective self-reflexive hallucination, and our “civilization” actually no more significant than a collection of termite mounds with respect to the Earth and everyone else who is trying to live here?
And if we have created industrial civilization, culminating in today’s global scenario, through “free will”, then why have we done it this way? We have to realize that our minds are affected by the same forces that drive and make possible the entire terrestrial and heliocosmic environments; our decision-making and levels of awareness are constantly affected by these changing energies. If in fact “Earth changes” as prophecied are happening because of forces external to humanity, it’s only logical that these forces are affecting us as well, our mental and psychic processes. If the Earth is being destabilized, so are we, so are our minds. This, in essence, is the basis of what the Hindu’s call the “Kali yuga”, the shortest yet darkest “season” in a vast cosmic cycle. The Kali yuga will eventually pass, but what will we have accomplished by then? What will have endured of “civilization”, of humanity, of our fellow life-forms, of the Earth? The hugest and most durable artefacts of geo-engineering?
For 5000 years “civilized” humanity has been determined to enjoy the perceived “benefits” of exploiting the Earth while at the same time exercising little or no responsibility or gratitude. Moreover, much of western civilization is trying to live right on top of wave after wave of genocide and ecocide, with little or no awareness of spiritual acknowledgment of unhealed and on-going wounds to people and planet. Kali yuga or not, we are responsible for the consequences of our choices and actions.
The Hopis warned that “if we dig precious things from the land, we will invite disaster.” And on “prophecy rock” a diagram that’s thousands of years old depicts humanity splitting off into two groups: the “people of one heart”, who love the Earth and maintain the path of the Great Spirit, remain here, while the others, who are portrayed with their heads detached from their bodies, disappear off into space. The Hopi say that four previous “worlds” have come and gone, each one destroyed by the Great Spirit because the people degenerated; for many thousands of years their very unique oral language transmitted extremely sophisticated conceptual terms like “koyaanisqatsi”, “powaqatsi” and “naqoyaqatsi.” English contains no words expressing this level of cosmic insight. It’s clear that this has all happened before.
“Digging precious things from the land” is in fact the earliest form of “geo-engineering.” “Civilization” must have raw materials to work with; to this day, this obsession continues to under-ly the greatest problems of human creation. It’s no coincidence that all of the “elite” families and all of the hugest and most powerful corporations all got their start and maintain their power and control by means of “digging precious things from the land.”
As the karmic and morphogenetic feed-back loop tightens, every ounce of gold, every kilo of coal and iron, every litre of petroleum, every gram of uranium that is mined and extracted generates more and more disease, destruction and death for humanity and the planetary biosphere. And the karma falls not only on those who perform the extractions, it falls just as heavily on those who blindly consume and waste these “precious things” from the body of the Earth. “What we do to the Earth, we do to ourselves.”
Names can be named and fingers pointed at “other people” whose fault this all is, who are responsible for the “evil” that is befalling us from every direction. The “evil-doers” even tell us in their own words, in their own official documents, as in their minds, what they are doing not only makes sense, it’s their duty as the “elite.”
As a final demonstration of the reality of what many people are determined to call “conspiracy” I will share the words of two very important people of the 20th century. You may not recognize the name of Norman Dodd, but you know all about Albert Einstein.
Norman Dodd was a Yale graduate and New York “banker” for a while; he had been close friends with many “elite” power-brokers. Being a person of rare integrity and honesty, he recognized the immense fraud represented by “central banking”, quit and was then “black-balled” by the industry. In the 1950’s he was appointed research director of the Reece Committee, created by the U.S. Congress to investigate “philanthropic” foundations such as Carnegie, Ford, Guggenheim and Rockefeller pertaining to “un-American” activities. He was given access to the historical archive of complete texts of foundation meetings by Dr. Joseph Johnson, president of the Carnegie Endowment. What he found out represents one of the most disturbing and significant chapters of modern American history. Dodd’s research was terminated prematurely by the White House on the dubious grounds of “anti-semitism”, which in itself says quite a lot. Here in Dodd’s words are the topics of discussion of the foundation board members.
“Is there any means known more effective than war, assuming you wish to alter the life of an entire people? And they conclude that, no more effective means to that end is known to humanity, than war. So then, in 1909, they raise the second question, and discuss it, namely, how do we involve the United States in a war?...And finally, they answer that question as follows: we must control the State Department…that very naturally raises the question of how do we do that? They answer it by saying, we must take over and control the diplomatic machinery of this country and…we are eventually in a war, which would be World War I. At that time, they record on their minutes a shocking report in which they dispatch to President Wilson a telegram cautioning him to see that the war does not end too quickly. And finally, of course, the war is over…At that time, their interest shifts over to preventing what they call a reversion of life in the United States to what it was prior to 1914, when World War I broke out. At that point, they come to the conclusion that, to prevent a reversion, we must control education in the United States…they approach the Rockefeller Foundation with a suggestion: that portion of education which could be considered domestic should be handled by the Rockefeller Foundation, and that portion which is international should be handled by the [Carnegie] Endowment…”
“They then decide that the key to the success of these two operations lay in the alteration of the teaching of American History…they then decide that it is necessary for them to do as they say, i.e. ‘build our own stable of historians’…That group of twenty historians ultimately becomes the nucleus of the American Historical Association. And then, toward the end of the 1920's, the Endowment grants to the American Historical Association four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000) for a study of our history in a manner which points to what this country look forward to, in the future…That culminates in a seven-volume study, the last volume of which is, of course, in essence, a summary of the contents of the other six. The essence of the last volume is this: the future of this country belongs to collectivism, administered with characteristic American efficiency.”
Here is a prophetic statement by Albert Einstein from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in 1952, warning of “shrewd influences” from within the highest levels of society:
"The scientist of today is distressed by the fact that the results of his scientific work have created a threat to mankind since they have fallen into the hands of morally blind exponents of political power. He is conscious of the fact that technological methods, made possible by his work, have led to a concentration of economic and also of political power in the hands of small minorities which have come to dominate completely the lives of the masses of people, who appear more and more amorphous. But even worse: the concentration of economic and political power has not only made the man of science dependent economically, it also threatens his independence from within; the shrewd methods of intellectual and psychic influences which it brings to bear will prevent the development of independent personalities."

It should be pretty clear by now who is fighting among themselves over the remote-control of HAARP. If, however, a cabal of Zionic techno-fascist over-lords exist who have been performing voo-doo experiments on humanity for centuries, they are only here because we, humanity ourselves, have called the “children of Kali” forth from the depths of our collective psyche. Maybe the virulence of their agenda is equivalent to the depth and breadth of our apathy and ignorance; maybe their greed and insanity is in fact our own greed and insanity.
Let us make one more speculation concerning the “technetronic” agenda. With influential “elite” minds talking about “living forever” through technological advances, and with “death rays” already operative, it’s clear that full-on insanity is manifesting in reality. With computers of greater and greater speed and power coming on-line, and being used to control all the most advanced weapons systems, and people like Gordon MacDonald talking over 40 years ago about manipulating instabilities on the sun, some highly improbable scenarios could come into existence in the near future. What we DO know, however, is that the “neuro-warfare” dimension of “technetronics” is next in line, now that “tectonic warfare” has been realized. And we’re not going to feel like we’re being “zapped” with a brain wave; on the contrary, we probably won’t notice or feel a thing as we gradually sink into an electromagnetically-induced “big sleep.” Even scarier is that no matter what catastrophes or disasters happen, RF-modulated “people” will happily just keep doing what they do now…shop, play some sport, watch tv, go for a drive, maybe go to a movie or restaurant…as if everything was A-OK. Even if the “reality orchestrators” use HAARP and their array of satellites and laser technologies to stage the much-touted “fake alien invasion” in December 2012, you know, because that’s when “something is going to happen”, people won’t be scared. They’ll already have their bags packed and will board the holographically-projected space-craft, shake hands with E.T., and be on their merry way into space, just like on the “prophecy rock” in Hopi land.
For anyone with a somewhat more down-to-Earth and pragmatic approach to “being here now”, I would emphasize that ignorance is not bliss, but knowledge is indeed power…the power we each have to step out of the feed-back loop of negative karma being created by every act of greed, inertia, and obsession with artificial reality. We each have the power to question authority, to think for ourselves; all we have to do is decide to do it. We each have enormous powers of creativity; we don’t have to continue to consume other peoples’ fiction.
With respect to the over-riding reality of our destruction of the natural world, we each have the power to simplify our lives down to that which has immediate use-value, and to jettison all that serves no necessary function. As I see it, this is the only hope we have: coming to our senses and choosing to stop the ecocide in which we participate daily just by being an unquestioning “consumer.” We can live without big houses, without automobiles, without eating meat, without tv, mobile phones, and “wi-fi.” Not only can we live totally without electricity, we did so for millions of years.
We can’t put all the precious things back in the ground that have been dug out, even if we wanted to, but we could choose to stop digging out more. For now, we must live with the consequences, but for how long? In the words of Dr. Rosalie Bertell, “We don’t have to commit suicide.” She was referring to the astronomical quantities of highly radio-active substances being mined, manufactured, and released into the environment.
An interesting symmetry describes the gates of Kali: the earliest civilizations used their most advanced technologies for great feats of constructive engineering, and we use ours for great feats of "reverse engineering"...destruction. A fitting demise for the Earth’s latest experiment in “civilization.” Surely the last humans will be “uncivilized.”
THE LAWLOR PARADOX: “We are blinded by the delusions that rise from our hollow and rotting social order. It is vain pomposity to believe that humanity can advance while the Earth and its native peoples, plants and animals are enslaved, desecrated and destroyed.”
25 MARCH 2011
Ben Bagdikian, The New Media Monopoly
Nick Begich, Controlling the Human Mind
Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era
Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy & Its Geostrategic Imperatives
Rachel Carson, Silent Spring
William Engdahl, Seeds of Destruction and Gods of Money
Aldous Huxley, Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited
Harold Innis, The Bias of Communication and Empire and Communications
Robert Lawlor, Voices of the First Day: Awakening in the Aboriginal Dream-time
Jerry Mander, Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television
Jerry Mander, In the Absence of the Sacred: The Failure of Technology & the Survival of the Indian Nation
Lewis Mumford, The Pentagon of Power: The Myth of the Machine
George Orwell, 1984
Christopher Simpson, The Science of Coercion
Herbert Schiller, Culture, Inc: The Corporate Takeover of Public Expression
Immanuel Velikovsky, Mankind in Amnesia
H.G.Wells, The New World Order
Zamyatin, WeIMPORTANT LINKS TO DOWN-LOAD A PRINTABLE FILE OF THIS DOCUMENT:http://www.mediafire.com/?id5tb26gn7dkd5f
"Carl Sagan and the Nuclear Scenario" Jeff Phillps article (2006)http://synthaissance.blogspot.com/2006_07_16_archive.html
"Visiting a Sacred Mountain: A Message from the Heart of the Earth" Jeff Phillips (2011)
"The Brotherhood of Death", chapter from Seeds of Destruction, William Engdahl
Free Down-load of Brzezinski's book Between Two Ages:http://ebookbrowse.com/zbigniew-brzezinski-between-two-ages-pdf-d14968673
Free Down-load of Brzezinski's book The Grand Chessboard:http://beforeitsnews.com/story/145/533/FREE_Download:_Zbigniew_Brzezinski,_The_Grand_Chessboard.html
Will Thomas hope page, top chem-trails researcherhttp://www.willthomasonline.net/
Clifford Carnicom home page, top chem-trail researcherhttp://www.carnicom.com/
"What On Earth are They Spraying?" Chem-trail documentary (full film)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybWku-lJe6I
Dr. Nick Begich home page, authority on HAARP and mind control technologies
Rosalind Peterson home page, authoritative information on nuclear, chem-trails, military, especially U.S. Navy and marine mammals
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